by William Michael Forbes | Dec 8, 2020
My private reading with WIlliam transformed my life! As a black female screenwriter, playwright, mother, lover and lightbearing starseed. I was able to glean the following insight in understanding my purpose in this incarnation and am sharing it with you as it can be...
by William Michael Forbes | Dec 5, 2020
I must confess that I was very nervous today prior to my reading with William because I’d never had a reading before. I never thought such a thing would do me any good, and I was wary of charlatans who prey upon gullible people. But I had watched a few of...
by William Michael Forbes | Dec 5, 2020
Having this session with William has been a joy. He is a blessing and he is immensely talented. If you are someone reading this, who is thinking of having a session with William and you’re undecided, perhaps if you are looking for a sign, then this is it. Go for...
by William Michael Forbes | Nov 19, 2020
Fantastic reading by William! Uplifting, Insightful, Intuition , Knowledge and Wisdom gained by his gifts. My consciousness and awareness has expanded from his ability to channel energies and beings. Delighted with William and will seek his services again very...
by William Michael Forbes | Nov 18, 2020
Wow, Thank you; such a thorough and powerful reading. William’s depth of commitment to guide, heal, help and serve is truly profound. He delivers his guidance with immense warmth, kindness, understanding and connection regarding all aspects of life; people, situations...