Highly intuitive meduim

As a person who also feels intuitive i had questions and hesitations, as i was searching for answers i ran into his tik-tok page and when he started speaking my questions were being answered, and falling into place i also decided to join his community and learn a lil...

Master Class 101- A Guiding Light!

After folllowing WMF on TikTok and having a private reading, I enlisted in Master Class 101. Please, I implore you, do not hesitate to learn the miraculous ways in which your mind and body truly work. You could not learn these things from a man more honest and kind....

A life-changing Teaching

I have been blessed with an amazing reading, and teaching from ascended Masters and William Michael Forbes. I had 10 questions, but most were answered before I could even ask them, I would highly recommend this unique experience to anyone and everyone that wants to...

I appreciated his kindness and understanding

I am getting real good at manifesting because a week before I “chanced upon” Williams website I told the universe that it sure would be nice to sit down and talk to Jesus. The session with William was so helpful. I wholeheartedly recommend him.