The Real Deal

William is definitely the real deal! Love having a reading with him, or participating in one of the groups. I feel the radiant presence of the Divine Love Collective that channels through his being. The guides, Archangels and whoever all is in the collective reading...

My Earth Angel

Absolutely the best reading anyone could possibly have for the ultimate understanding for your best life and how to create it. I’ve had many readings previously from others but nothing like this. William is a phenomenal channel for all ascended masters, he explains...

The real deal

William Michael Forbes was very clear in his messages he gave me all of the information. He told me amazing things. I have no doubt he connects with high spiritual beings like Christ himself. I have been told my little dog who passed last summer is with my late...

One of the best decision I’ve made!

I’ve had two readings with William so far. And they were both amazing beyond words can express. Every question, doubt, and curiosity I’ve every had was addressed for me. Being able to connect with love and light beings from the spirit world is a blessing...