by William Michael Forbes | Jul 10, 2020
My hour with William was an affirmation that the heart knows who we are and what answers we need. I received confirmation of choices I have made, that we are not limited to only one aspect or ability, but that all are part of our one being. There is no...
by William Michael Forbes | Jul 10, 2020
My reading with William was immensely helpful and illuminating. I got answers to questions I did not think to ask. I received information & advice in conversation that is going to help me take the next step on my spiritual journey. William is a clear channel and...
by William Michael Forbes | Jul 8, 2020
If you are reading this testimonial, your truth has kindly lead you here. Don’t question it, instead take action and book a session with William. We were at the end of our tether when we decided to reach out to the ‘top’ mediums for guidance. Of the...
by William Michael Forbes | Jun 26, 2020
Hi Everyone I had my first private reading with William this morning. I cannot explain how I feel right now. All of my questions were answered beautifully. If you deside to do this make sure u have plenty of questions like 50. I will recommend Everyone to do this it...
by William Michael Forbes | Jun 26, 2020
Friends treated me to a reading with William Michael Forbes, for which I am truly grateful. It was very life affirming. I received clear messages from ascended beings. One from 700 years ago! who is now with me. The reading gave me renewed hope for myself and mankind....