My private reading with WIlliam transformed my life!
As a black female screenwriter, playwright, mother, lover and lightbearing starseed. I was able to glean the following insight in understanding my purpose in this incarnation and am sharing it with you as it can be applied to everyone and to all areas of our life: We are plagued by our past, trapped in a sort of past/present where we struggle in the present to overcome constant emotional suffering over the past. We are so attached to our past that we keep perpetuating it in our present. If we judge that our past is greater than our present, we suffer, and we are not fully free to be who and what we can be. The past cannot liberate us from itself. It does not have to determine our present, or our future. This does not mean that we have to sacrifice individual expression. It means we must sacrifice what separates us from being our true and sacred authentic selves. Bringing the past and the present together can be the bridge over the river of healing, upliftment, and reconciliation. This cannot happen if we keep holding on to the judgement, the suffering, and the separation caused by our past. When we can find a way to live fully in the present, we will no longer need the past as a reference point. In the end all suffering, judgement, and separation is a call for love. Love can be an option. Love can be a solution. Because love is the great reconciliation.
Thank you, namaste and love to all.